It is called e-mail marketing when brands or businesses use e-mail as a tool for product promotion, information, campaign interaction and brand communication in order to achieve their goals. E-mail marketing is an effective and measurable method in order to reach the goals of brands or businesses, and it is a technique with a high conversion rate in terms of providing direct communication with the target audience.
The main purpose of e-mail marketing is to deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time. E-mail marketing, ROI (return on investment) and digital marketing, which has the highest interaction rate with the target audience, provide targeted e-mail service by analyzing the purchases that the audience makes.
How is E-mail Marketing Conducted?
One of the most important issues in e-mail marketing is ensuring that e-mail content is viewed. In order to achieve success, it is necessary to try to encourage the consumer read the e-mail content. One of the issues that brands should think about the most is trying to increase e-mail view rates by using various methods.
How to Conduct Effective E-mail Marketing?
Catchy Title: One of the places where the power of words is felt most effectively is the title. In particular, determining an effective title in order to attract the attention of e-mail readers will be crucial in increasing the rate of viewing the content of the e-mail.
Personalization: By way of personalization, much more effective results can be achieved. One of the reasons why people share their private information, especially with brands, is that they expect to be presented with a special offer. It is necessary to provide personalized e-mail contents according to the visits made by the people on the website and the content read, the products added to the basket and bought by them.
Sending with Brand Name: The brand must be included in the sender section. This way of writing will both create trust between the consumer and your brand and increase the popularity of your brand.
Do Not Sell Directly: Inviting people directly to sale will not yield positive results.
Since consumers are bombarded with such messages throughout the day, efforts should be made to create a selective perception. For this reason, it is necessary to produce content related to the usage areas of the products, tips related to the product and the benefits of the product.
Correct Message: Preparing a content consistent with the title is also one of the important criteria for a successful conversion. Moreover, videos, gifs and emojis to be added will also be effective for the consumer to read the entire message. Custom button plugins are another element that will increase conversion for consumers who will read the message content.
Mobile Compatibility: As the use of smart devices increases, the rate of viewing and reading e-mails on mobile devices also increases. Therefore, e-mail content and designs compatible with mobile devices should be created. In particular, it is imperative that the templates are created suitable to mobile devices.